Tuesday, December 23, 2008


It is so hard to find time to do anything when you have a little one! We have been enjoying every minute with Gracyn! Geoff and I just look at her in amazement, she is a gift from God. She is getting a little personality too!! She smiles at us all the time! She is also cooing... it is wonderful. The best is when we tell her that we love her and she smiles and tries to tell us back. =) She is getting so strong! She loves when we hold her hands and help her stand up on our lap. She thinks it is the best ever!

I am so excited about Gracyn's first Christmas! I have probably bought more things than she needs... but I just couldnt help it! We had my family Christmas this weekend at our house. It turned out really nice. It is always great to get together with family.

Geoff and I also went to the Yuletide Celebration 2 weeks ago! It was so much fun. Geoff and his family have been doing it for 22 years! So it is a great tradition. I cant wait until our kids are old enough to enjoy it! The best part of the show is the dancing Santas!

Here is a few pictures from that night!

Well I need to get back to Gracyn! She is swinging in her swing and talking to herself! I love her sweet little voice! I will leave you with a few pictures that make me smile!

Have a Merry Christmas and God Bless!!!


Zach and Jamie said...

Wow! Can't believe how much she's changing! She's just gorgeous. You're right about the reading.... I doubt that when Carter gets here that I'll want to be reading books. I starting some reading last night.... and it's going well. I'm moving right along and learning some things. Glad that everything seems to be going well with you. You'll have to post a new blog with some Christmas pictures so we can see the little princess on her first Christmas. :)